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Let’s get a little candid, tell us something that caught you by surprise or you least expected after you graduated.

Initially, the level of deliverables involved with being a Senior Analyst and the expected pace of completion of these deliverables caught me off guard. During the program, I was assigned various random projects that allowed me to provide support to my department where there were needs. I wasn’t as familiar with the overall level of responsibility that was expected to be maintained by a Senior Analyst on an ongoing basis.

I can recall falling behind several times during my first year as a Senior Analyst. I’m extremely grateful for the other more experienced individuals from my team that worked with me during that time to develop a plan for getting back on track. Because of those individual’s personal investments into my life, I’ve been allowed to pay their investments forward to other new joiners in my team.


If you compare yourself now with when you first entered the GTP, how have you changed?

When I first entered the GTP, despite being given a tremendous opportunity, I had no prior financial services industry experience and minimal understanding of what it meant to be involved in the regulation of this industry. At the time, my confidence in my abilities was low and when I looked at my far more experienced coworkers, and even other graduate trainees, I often questioned whether I had what it took to become successful in the BMA. Despite this, I’ve always had a strong desire to prove myself in whatever I do, and I never lost this desire during my time in the GTP. This led me to put in extra work behind the scenes to ensure that I remained on track and was doing things that proved I belonged at the BMA. My faith in God has also allowed me to push through, even when things have not always appeared to be hopeful.

Additionally, being provided with opportunities to work through challenging assignments and shadow passionate and successful individuals allowed me to gain invaluable experience that prepared me to hit the ground running once I graduated from the GTP.

The combination of these factors have allowed me to become confident as a self-driven financial services regulator that can be relied on to complete tasks of varying levels of difficulty.


What was the most valuable guidance you have received from a manager or colleague during the programme and how has it helped you?

One of my first managers was a strong advocate of their staff members being their own personal advocates.

I can recall rating myself low in several areas within one of my first appraisals, under the impression that my manager would adjust my ratings higher if I truly deserved it. In response, this manager advised that I should always present myself in the best possible manner, as I cannot always rely on my manager to have a positive view of me.

No one knows me better than myself and I have the best understanding of the level of effort that I’ve put into things. No one else can take those things away from me.


What project or accomplishment during the programme are you most proud of and why?

I am proud that while I was a part of the GTP, I was able to step up and contribute within several key department initiatives.

During my time in the BMA, I was able to take a lead-role within the preparation of internal reporting for one of the more material bank assessments and the presentation of the results of this assessment to one of the BMA’s Management Committees. I was able to successfully navigate this process and received high praise from department management.

during the time in my overseas secondment at the Prudential Regulation Authority in London, I was able to seamlessly step in as the lead supervisor for two UK banks, while a coworker was on leave.


What aspects of your secondment best prepared you for success in your current role and how?

Being able to step up and assist the departments that I was involved in where there were pressing needs, allowed me to demonstrate that I belonged at the BMA.

Most significantly, being provided with the opportunity to travel overseas for a 6-month secondment at the Prudential Regulation Authority in London prepared me for success in my current role. Within this secondment, I was placed in a position where I was expected to contribute to the team that I was assigned to and challenged to complete projects that, at the time, were above my knowledge and experience levels. This pushed me to prove myself, which is where I function best.


What course/certification/designation earned during the GTP best prepared you for success in your current role and how?

An Excel fundamentals course that I took during my first year in the GTP allowed me to transition from a basic understanding of Excel to being able to use it in a professional capacity.

Additionally, earning the CFA Investment Foundations Certificate during my second year in the GTP allowed me to gain a fuller understanding of some of the more complex products and services that I’ve been required to review during my time at the BMA.


Learn more about other graduates

Last updated on 6 March 2025
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