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Bermuda’s Personal Information Protection Act 2016 (PIPA) comes into force on 1 January 2025. PIPA regulates the Bermuda Monetary Authority’s (the Authority) use of personal information.   The Authority’s Privacy Notice (click) provides amongst other information, the Authority’s use of personal information and the types of organisations and individuals to whom personal information may be disclosed. In accordance with PIPA, an individual may seek to access their personal information.



What is a Personal Information Access Request (PIAR or Request)?

The Personal Information Protection PIPA 2016 (PIPA) provides the BMA’s personnel with certain rights to access and control personal information relating to:

  • personal information about you that is in the custody or control of the BMA;
  • the purposes for which the personal information has been and is being used by the BMA; and
  • the names of the persons or types of persons to whom (and circumstances in which) the personal information has been and is being disclosed.


For example, staff may seek access to their personal information regarding medical, psychiatric and social work matters.

Staff may make the following administrative requests (Requests) to the Authority by submitting a PIAR, which may need to be supported by reasons. Such Requests include:

  • making a correction of an error or omission in any of your personal information which is under the control of the BMA;
  • requesting that the BMA not use your personal information for advertising, marketing  or public relations purposes;
  • requesting that the BMA not use your personal information where that use is causing or is likely to cause substantial damage or substantial distress to you;
  • requesting for the BMA to erase or destroy your personal information.



Click here to submit a PIAR


Contact us

Bermuda Monetary Authority’s Privacy Officer
Dina Wilson, Director Legal Services and Enforcement

43 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 12

Tel: (441) 278-0250


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